Upon ordering a Digital Download, you have 14 days in which to cancel, for any reason for a full refund, unless you download your ordered item with in that time. If you download your item with in 14 days, then the right to cancel will be lost and no refund given.
We do not accept refunds on digital products, please read the descriptions of each digital listing carefully to ensure you are purchasing the correct product.
Licences: Each digital file will have the use licence listed clearly on the product listing. Please ensure you read this before purchase.
The patterns cannot be re sold, shared, or redistributed electronically or otherwise.
These patterns are not to be used in a teaching situation, as this is deemed as sharing
You may not sell, share or redistribute any of our patterns.
Digital file formats are listed on each product page, please ensure your printer is compatible with the listed paper sizes to ensure the correct printing of patterns.
You are limited to a maximum of 2 downloads per purchased pattern so ensure you keep your downloads safe. J.H. Leather is not responsible for loss of patterns, and you will need to repurchase patterns in the case of loss if you have reached your maximum download allowance.
Digital downloads are sent via a downloadable email link, please check your junk mail folder in case the email ends up there.
Each download comes with the use licence, please read carefully before using the patterns to ensure you use the patterns correctly.
Anyone seen to be selling products made using our personal use licence may face legal action.